Friday, 8 September 2017

Production Rehearsal

Production Reflection
We had production rehearsal this week and it was long and tiring but we slowly got better and the last result was awesome . We had to run through it 10 times and each time takes more than an hour so it adds up to over 11 hours of production practice . I am only in the first 2 scenes so I had to listen and wait for the rest of the production which took a while . It also benefited as a result because I got lots of work done on my reports . It took longer because lots of people were missing there cues and there was a lot of talking which interrupting the speakers . It is quite annoying when you are doing your on stage waiting for your cue . It was not looking good at the start of the week but has progressed a lot and we are actually looking really good and doing well . It takes a while to get costumes sorted because we only started sorting them out yesterday . It took a lot of time and effort to prepare this production but I think it is going to pay off . This year we have some confident speakers and some lower speakers that have learn a lot and are catching up lots . We have a intelligent bunch of kids and I think it is going to be The Best Production Ever !!!!

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