Thursday 6 July 2017

Speech 2017 Olly

Speech 2017 Olly

Term 2 Proud Moments 2017

 Proud Moments
"Speech." I never thought I would finish , but with my awesome teacher (Mrs Hobbs) I got there ."Nice job Olly" were the comments from the crowd . All the trees were bowed at my brilliant presentation .
I'm also proud of going to winter sevens (I had to trial to get in .)
I am proud of ICAS . It really pushed me to my limits , I think I did really well .
I am also proud of going to Gym sports . I think the day turned out pretty well . I tried my hardest and that is all that matters . I think that the results really showed how much effort was put into it . I got first place ."Good job" says Mum .😏
Academics . Who ever thought I would do well . Probably me . I am very proud this term because I got my first Gold medal in mathletics . Which is a big step for me . Yay .
I am very proud of moving up in reading . 6 MONTHS . Thats crazy . Who wouldn't be proud of that . Come on . Thats amazing .